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Life Under the Sun

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sometimes life is extremely discouraging. When you look in the mirror and see wrinkles and gray hair, when you step on the scales and tell yourself the number can't be right, when you ponder what you've done today, yesterday, this past week, month, year, and you're not so sure what you've really accomplished, when you just can't seem to reach your goals no matter how hard you try, when everyone's always arguing and fighting . . . . Other times it's heavenly to be alive, enjoying simple things like a child or a spouse's hugs and kisses, a nice meal, a laugh with friends, the encouragement of an apt word, a walk with the breeze blowing your hair and the sun on your face, a story that captures your heart or imagination or just makes you think, a beautiful space, picture, song, experience, someone who listens to you, someone who shares himself or herself with you . . . . In the dark, pray to Him. In the light, sing to Him. And in it all, know His grace.


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