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Life Under the Sun

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I'm planning a storybook, Dr. Seuss party baby shower. Here are some things in the works: jars of candy; polka dots for table and walls, fish to hang over the food table which will have thing 1 and thing 2 cupcakes, green deviled eggs, ham and cream cheese wraps, and fish crackers; red napkins, place cards w/ "A person's a person no matter how small" on them and lollipops to go next to them; Dr. Seuss hat printouts to put on the wall; and my daughter made a Seuss characters mobile. Last night I got kids at church to help me wrap glue-soaked yarn around balloons. We'll pop the balloons and have yarn swiggles to hang up all over. Oh, and lots of books too! More pics after it's over.