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My husband

Life Under the Sun: My husband

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My husband

I'm so grateful for the gift God has given me of a man who loves Him and who loves me and our children in a way that is a reflection of God's love. Ernie is a giver. He spends time with us. He listens to us. He prays for us. He takes care of us, keeps our finances in order. He encourages us. I can hardly believe what he tells me of what I am to him, of how he treasures me. This cherishing is a God-given gift, far more worthwhile than wealth, position, appearance. He is my lover but first and foremost my husband is someone I can trust, someone who leads our home with God at the head of his life, someone who is not consumed with himself. He is imperfect, there are things I might want to change about him, and things he'd like to change about me, but essentially, he is a gift far beyond what I'd dreamed of and certainly beyond what I deserve.

Just another way I count myself blessed and am humbled at God's mercy (sparing from deserved consequences) and grace (giving undeserved blessings) to me.