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Life Under the Sun

Friday, July 20, 2012

Off for a date with my husband while the kids play at the home of dear friends from our church. To continue my poetry week, here's one I wrote about him, about convincing another that you really care, that you really see value in that one though he or she might feel very unworthy, and indicating that you will be there for future. Of course real love won't push itself where it's not wanted. Sometimes, though, it's not about not wanting love so much as being afraid of disappointment or being unwilling to be vulnerable, needy. I ultimately see God as the Great Lover, that He pursues us and shows Perfect Love to us in a way that human love may reflect.

Whispered words roll from her lips, he kisses them away. There was no protest great enough; his love would still hold sway. She fled from him; her fear was great, it would not set her free. He found her, murmured in her ear, "no need to run from me." Again she tried to make escape, she could not understand that he would follow, love so great, open heart and hand. As tears gave way to radiance, now she finally knew the greatness of the love he gave never waned but grew. Her heart full, her spirit soared, she found that she could trust, for with such  evidence he showed, she had no choice. She must.