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Life Under the Sun

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Reviewing Tough Guys and Drama Queens made me really nervous about having teenagers someday! The author indicates that parenting is practically a piece of cake until you hit the teenage years. Sigh. I just keep hoping it will get better. It's sure not been a piece of cake so far for me! I really think his suggestion to keep giving teens more responsibility as opposed to more rules so that they can develop independence is great. I also appreciate his emphasis on spending time with your teens, asking them questions, scheduling one on one time with them. Sometimes I felt a little like he was trying too hard to have his cake and eat it too (to stick with the cake comparison) with indicating that you're not to be your teen's buddy but that you are to have a great relationship with them, that you're to demand their respect but not be authoritarian, though he does say that respect comes from the relationship. I would have liked to have seen in the book more Scripture, more of a biblical, Christian-home emphasis.
At the end of the book, I just felt the need to fall on my knees and pray for grace.