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Life Under the Sun

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Today I asked the kids if they knew the capital of France and Lukas said, "In an old house in Paris covered with vines lived twelve little girls in two straight lines." Then Lici put in, "the smallest one was Madeline. They ate their bread and brushed their teeth and went to bed." Liam sang and I joined him singing, "That's all there is; there isn't, any more." Rough, I know, but fun. And then, for good measure, I told them the capital of Spain is Madrid. Lukas asked if Spain and France get along. We noted the mountains in between them. Lici commented that it seemed like Spain and China both liked red, the matadors with the red scarves and China's flag, of course.
Kids have interesting minds. There's a weird logic there, you know. Sort of makes sense. Sort of drives you crazy.