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Men and Women, Women and Men

Life Under the Sun: Men and Women, Women and Men

Monday, January 10, 2011

Men and Women, Women and Men

Oddly, because our western modern culture has gender issues, even offering people at times the option of choosing to identify w/ whichever gender they wish regardless of the one they were born as, we make assumptions. Because people are bored with male-female sexuality, encouraging homosexuality if one is so inclined, they look cross-eyed at male flower arrangers and females in the trades or make accepting, encouraging comments about such behavior because they don't want to force traditional sexuality and they believe in an acceptable "alternative lifestyle." Were they less eager to see and accept aberrance, there'd be more room for originality. After all, for centuries, there were men who were tailors and women who helped in the field. No one thought anything of a boy warmly hugging another boy or two girls holding hands.
Homosexuality is clearly biblically wrong. Nature itself teaches us how unnatural it is, as it does not under any circumstance produce offspring. But anything and everything we consider "homosexual" behavior shouldn't necessarily be so labeled.
For a while, Christians followed the bandwagon, especially with boys, strongly discouraging aggressive behavior, trying to soften them, while at the same time working to "toughen up" girls, making boys feel there was something wrong with them if they were naturally too strong or girls too soft, making them resent those whose natural (but still sinful as we're all born depraved) behavior was considered more acceptable.
More recently, the Christian response to gender confusion seems to be to teach boys and girls, men and women, to be stereotypical male and female--He-man in combat and Snow White at the wishing well or cleaning the floor or just waiting to be rescued. He-man is not about to save Snow White and Snow White's wasting her time pining for him and is likely to just become very impatient.
We're all born with distinct personalities and proclivities and an aggressive man or a nurturing man can still be very male, a nurturing woman or an aggressive woman still very female. Men are scripturally to be leaders of their wives. Servant leadership is prayerful leading by providing, protecting, strengthening, teaching and directing. The love God commands a husband to show his wife does not belittle her. Nor is it weak and mealy-mouthed, waiting for her to take the lead. This love sacrifices for her, helps her grow. Its pattern is Christ's love.
God uses different personalities and talents. As a woman respects the leadership of the man God places over her, as she submits to him, not to browbeat or lord over her, but to strive to lovingly direct her, she comes to his aid as the helper she is meant to be. She is a tremendous encourager, bringing her gifts and talents to assist her man in furthering his dreams for himself and his family. She doesn't fight his battles for him, but she doesn't hide while he fights either. She does what she can, under his leadership, to help.
God gives us gifts. I believe He is honored when we choose to use them (except in sinful behavior), not when we deny their existence.


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