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Blessings through Raindrops

Life Under the Sun: Blessings through Raindrops

Monday, June 20, 2011

Blessings through Raindrops

My husband just played me the song "Blessings through Raindrops" a couple days ago. I didn't really want to hear it and was rather gratified to see that a number of people had "disliked" it, though many, many more had "liked" it. But I was struck by the truth it conveyed, though it's definitely not always a comforting truth. And beyond the impact of acknowledging that difficulties are God's blessing in our lives, I am overwhelmed to think that the answers I crave, the huge desire to know "why God?," to have Him let me in on the plan in so many words, may not be His design.
When I'm waiting on God,I'm wondering constantly, what is He trying to teach me? I try to figure out exactly what He's up to, what lesson I need to learn to then get back to business as usual. But it may not be a test, and I may never pass it. It may simply be part of a life-long process of letting go of myself and letting Him be seen in me. We're to trust Him and rely on Him, not simply to learn what He's teaching us but sometimes because the end in itself is that trust and reliance. It's a place I need to stay and by God's grace only am I able to do so. God's grace then often takes the form of waiting, trials, disappointment, just as often or more so than it takes the form of victories and joys. In all this, He wants me for Himself, body, heart, mind, soul. In being His I find something greater than the temporary struggles I experience in this life. I find Him. He is that great, perfect, all-encompassing Blessing.


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