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Life Under the Sun

Friday, April 13, 2012

Today was a more typical homeschool day, I guess. We began with Horizons math after breakfast. I explained the concepts on their worksheets and then my first and second graders finished their lessons. Next I had them do a section in Spelling Workout B. Then I talked over some grammar concepts from Abeka Language 3. I only have them complete some on their own and we do some together. Also, the kids share the book.
I read and we talked about Ecclesiastes 3. They copied verse 11 in cursive. We found the location on the globe of the events we'd just read about in Story of the World 4.   The kids wrote summaries (mostly copied the summaries I helped them put together) of the events.  After lunch, I read from Sign of the Beaver. They read (their choice) about farm machinery and big trucks (Lukas) and a Canadian girl story (Lici). They wrote part of a Stevenson poem I dictated.

Our days aren't always the same and often do emphasize one subject over the others and can sometimes really jump around, as you probably noticed. Today I think we did more writing. Yesterday it was science.
In my mix, I also have a just-turned five-year-old and a just-turned-three-year-old. I have Liam do some simple math and writing/ copywork and we're slowly working through The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. I'm just trying to get Lethei to count objects up to five and recognize a few letter sounds, maybe try to trace some. She loves to make circles.

They bicker. They get distracted easily. I sometimes wonder if they're really making much progress at all. I spend a lot of time trying to come up with better curriculum, better ideas or approaches. I pray--occasionally out loud--for help.
Without a doubt, this endeavor has made me recognize anew my need for God's strengthening, guiding hand.
I've many limitations and a short memory. I have trouble sticking with anything. We've tried some Sonlight, Abeka, Well Trained Mind, and Charlotte Mason materials. The options out there can drive you crazy if you keep second-guessing yourself, as I have.
 I'm trying
to take one day at a time
to make the most of it
for Him.