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Prayer power

Life Under the Sun: Prayer power

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Prayer power

We drove all night. On the way we ran completely out of gas because Ern did not want to wake the kids and GPS told him he could make it just a little bit farther. He got a ride in a pickup truck to the gas station and back but the one gallon of gas just did not seem to do the trick. Until we all got out and pushed off the incline and the gas got where it needed to be and the car started. When Ern kept trying and trying to get the van to start, the kids asked me what we were going to do. I said pray. Funny thing what a last resort prayer often is yet interesting that almost anybody will eventually resort to it. Does He hear you out in the middle of nowhere? What about in a big crowd? Did He hear Noah above the roar of the flood that was His own doing? Or Joseph in prison for refusing to sin? the three in the furnace? Paul in chains? Of course those folks hardships were in big part the result of their righteousness. Not so mine. Why would He listen to me? It is not like He shaped me in the womb or anything or ordained my days. Oh,yea, He did, actually. And what about Rahab in Jericho, Naomi in the midst of her bitterness, Peter after his betrayal, God responded to them too. I believe He listens to me, loves to hear me speak to Him. I need Him. He is big and I am small. So we made it to Kansas to visit my folks.