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Life Under the Sun

Monday, September 10, 2012

It's so quiet with three at school and Ern in the chaplain class orientation.
This weekend's adventures in reading (the kids all got their own library cards this past week) and cake-baking and cleaning and swimming and lots of pretend sure went by quickly. Sunday the kids sang and said verses in the morning service for a special number with their Sunday school classes.
Today, in the afternoon after school, Lukas starts piano lessons. Tomorrow I'm taking Lukas and Lici's class for a walk in the ravine and Wednesday I'm going on a field trip with them. Friday Lethei and I start her yoga class; yes, we registered for it after all. So today I think I'd better enjoy the quiet.
With the changes in our lives, I've been worrying a lot, worrying about negative influences, worrying about whether the kids' school is academic enough, worrying about making good decisions, being a light. But God says not to worry but to pray. And I've been praying too. Still . . . I struggle with worry.
May I trust and may I give with Him as my Guide.