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Life Under the Sun

Friday, November 16, 2012

I just got two books to review from Bethany House Publishers and though I had Lasik surgery a week ago and still find extensive reading somewhat wearing, I sped through both of them. Unending Devotion by Jody Hedlund is fast-paced, intense and exciting. The passionate, endearing protagonist has you rooting for her and concerned for her so that it's very difficult to put the book down until all is well. I did roll my eyes sometimes (also painful) at her over-the-top stubborn, sometimes very insensible though well-meaning antics. The story's romantic element is enchanting. Connell is continually saving Lily but she's quite feisty and capable herself. Although this book deals with a really sobering topic, sexual exploitation, it does so surprisingly tastefully and in an inspiring way.
Elizabeth Camden's characters in Against the Tide are fascinating. Lydia and Bane's banter is fun. She is a smart, strong, compellingly-drawn character and he is as well. They're characters I could read more about. The spy/overthrow-the-opium-trade plot keeps you reading until the resolution and Lydia's personal struggle with opium makes her a more winsome, lovable heroine. I like her rational, intellectual approach but appreciate that she's not devoid of passion either. She seems aware of her own limitations and strengths in a way that is believably depicted and commendable. However, all the lying she does when she's "undercover" poses problems for a Christian, as you may wonder if it's truly justifiable.
I really enjoyed both of these books.