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Life Under the Sun

Monday, February 11, 2013

In adult Sunday school yesterday, one of the men wanted to share a song he said he'd heard online. It was "Give Me Jesus." He asked if he could sing it and started singing and several of us joined in. What a moment, hearing that song echo in our classroom! "You can have all this world. Give me Jesus.
And my kids have been singing songs from their Sunday school, "The wages of sin is death" and "All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved," especially my heretofore rather clueless three-year-old. She also told me this past week that she works for God, not me (and she wasn't being snippy), something her Sunday school teacher talked about last Sunday. I'm thankful for our Sunday school though Sunday school sometimes sounds a bit childish and out-dated to the modern mind and many churches no longer have it. I'll admit that I don't always want to go either (and I'm the pastor's wife, though he doesn't teach the adult class) but I do find it challenging and encouraging when I'm actually there.
I remember my mom singing "Everybody ought to go to Sunday school to learn about the Bible and the Golden Rule." I know there are those who say Sunday school makes Christianity too light, crafty, silly, small, but Sunday school can be a time of real learning. Even if the teacher isn't incredibly erudite, we still benefit from thinking through Scripture and theological concepts and sharing with each other at any age.