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Life Under the Sun

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Paint. This pic of a man from our church on a workday or work morning. Some time and sore muscles and a fresh start. The beauty of what God does every day with the dawn. Mercies anew. I'm so grateful for second chances. I'm so grateful for a new day.
There are so many things I'd like to have another chance at.

I'm thankful for my husband's patience with me. I'm thankful for the freedom in my life, the white walls. May I choose fitting paint colors. May I be willing to work hard at applying them.

Today I drove and drove. To school, to ballet class, to school again, to piano lessons, and back. Both yesterday and today I fought the vehicle that is my steed, my courser, and it fought back. It wouldn't budge from the snow, but my boys helped me dig it out. As it was iced over this morning, it took some time for me to look out, deal with the glare of day, find the way.

Yesterday, Ernie took Felicity to get her hair chopped, as we're weary of the constant battle of trying to get her to keep it combed out or let me do it for her. She looks strikingly different but still so pretty, my girl. Ern cut the boys' hair also and I started Leth's and he finished it.

I love his big gentle hands.

Today was my dad's birthday. I enjoyed visiting with him on the phone, was glad to help brighten his special day. I am thankful for him.

Do they enjoy solving problems, being relied on, these men in our lives? I know I certainly do appreciate all their work on my behalf.

Most of all, I'm thankful for my heavenly Father, my loving listening Lord, the Creator Designer God who renews, rejuvenates me, revives me, who gives me new days.  Everyone in His hands.