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Scripture-serving creed

Life Under the Sun: Scripture-serving creed

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Scripture-serving creed

Okay, so I've been thinking about the creedal thing, about how building on history and articulating your doctrinal position are helpful, and yet how a creed obviously doesn't have the authority of Scripture, may take you away from Scripture, and will need to be revisited in light of how people interpret the creed and understand Scripture. So I guess that's where I ended up. Creeds are good but must be continually reevaluated in light of Scripture. Pretty sad it took me that long to come to that. I want to make much of what Scripture makes much of. A creed might help me reach that goal (so long as it serves Scripture.)
and here's a great quote:
Sola Scriptura is more than a historical slogan. The Scriptures must be the rule of faith and practice. They are the means by which the Spirit brings us to faith and regeneration. They are how we grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus, the way we are equipped for the work of the ministry to build up all the church into Christlike maturity. We are in the disciple-making business—for the believer, that’s what mentoring means. If we assign the authority of moral judgment to anything less than Scripture itself, we don’t produce Christlike disciples. We produce self-righteous Pharisees on the one hand and worldly libertines on the other.
We have to get past the tradition of our own group, past party rivalry, past personal taste, past the false dichotomy of traditional versus contemporary (because every human culture, past and present is marred in some way by man’s sin and Satan’s tyranny)—and we must go to the court of highest appeal. God’s very Words.

- J. Drew Conley