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Adam and Eve

Life Under the Sun: Adam and Eve

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve had to leave the garden. In spite of their disobedience, God gave them a parting gift--a promise. A child of theirs would crush Evil. What hopes they must have had then for their son, Cain, whom Eve immediately acknowledged as given to them by God. How they must have watched him grow with bated breath, and taught him about God with eager anticipation.
Then time brought an end to those hopes. That son they cherished with such expectation took the life of another son.
What kind of parents were they anyway? Probably pretty bad, we might think. After all, they ate from the forbidden tree and got kicked out of the garden. And who was their Father? Guess He did a bad job too?
So what's left after that "perfect" family is shattered? The same thing as after the first perfection ceased to be. Only the mercy of God. Will He be there when our sin or others' wreaks havoc? Will He save? He will if we let Him. But He may save by taking away.
Let me cling to You only. Let nothing else steal my affection. While I recognize my family and friends as gifts from You, it's in You alone I trust. No matter what happens. But You must help me and hold me fast.