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Life Under the Sun

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Today my kids played outside in the trailer that is parked on gravel at the back of our back yard. They wore jackets or no jackets, long-sleeves or no-sleeves, shorts or long pants or skirts. Each of the four of them seemed dressed for a different season.
They wielded sticks and dropped them. Some far away land in their mind had come to life for them, some adventure.
I watched from the window, occasionally calling out to be careful with the stick or asking if the lighter-clad ones were cold.
They seemed dazed by the sight and sound of me. I was not a part of their imaginary world.
I am thankful for the dreams we nourish as children and adults, for the hope that keeps us striving, looking forward to the next day. Creativity found in art, music, literature, helps us reach beyond ourselves. Most of all, I look forward to the realization of the world that is truly beyond the wildest imaginings we have in this one. Better, sweeter, lovelier, and more compelling than we can comprehend, centered around The Creator Himself.