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Life Under the Sun

Monday, November 26, 2012

It's been a while since I posted last. First there was the surgery and then the ongoing intermittent internet issues and finally, last week my mother-in-law was here for three days while Ern and his dad went hunting. I also had a brief crisis in which I got very frustrated with stores like Ikea that try to make cheaply made stuff look good and charge too much for it, outsourcing products and appealing to the throw-away, superficial, impatient society we live in. I wrote a whole essay on it, but tossed it after I got it out of my system.
Lici has been begging to put up the Christmas tree so we finally did this past Friday. It's just our little artifical one this year, at the kids' urging. They pretty much decorated it all themselves and we don't have to worry about dropping pine needles or needing to water.
My teen class and I decorated at church too and the teens and kids and I have started practicing our Christmas play, which I adapted from Lucado's children's story, The Crippled Lamb.