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Life Under the Sun

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

There are many days when I just don't know what to do about my daughter's attitude. She gets so angry at her brothers and sister and at me and her dad. She stomps and shouts and lashes out. I reprimand, talk through a right attitude, quote verses, dole out all kinds of discipline/consequences, send her to her room, pray with her. It's such a battle. I feel so inadequate for it, so desperate, bombarding heaven with pleas for help. I try to keep on until I sense some softening. It's such a challenge to help her get out of herself and see more clearly what she's doing and how it falls short of God's desires for her, though He offers forgiveness and a fresh start. I try to help her put herself in our shoes or in her own shoes some day when she's in different circumstances, when she's a mom (which she dearly wants to some day be, as she can be very nurturing and loving) someday, for example. More than anything, it's the heart, the true self, that I pray God will help me connect with in her, that He will get a hold of. Her temptation is to do just enough to look okay to herself, better than others, she judges, but as to true brokenness, she's generally not there. It's not brilliance, material success or fame, not beauty or talent, I pray for for her, but transformation, the same I pray for and yearn and need every day in my own life.