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Life Under the Sun

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I want to put up pictures but my dropbox isn't connecting to my blog like it usually does. Must ask husband for help. He is the biggest hearted, sweetest man on the planet and will be happy to help me (hopefully he's reading this, but I'm really not trying to manipulate him as it's totally true that he is wonderfully kind and then some).
In many, many ways, I'm a mess. Techno ignoramus-ish, mopey, sloppy, preoccupied, lazy, selfish. And that's not particularly lovely, that mess. Yet I've such an abundance of blessings in my life, my fore-mentioned tender-lovin' husband, my smart, sassy, creative kids, a home that both physically and spiritually is a dear work in progress w/ an incompleted stairway and master bath room and hearts He's still workin' on. If you're reading this and you feel broken and unworthy, I think you're in a good place, and not just because that's also where I often am. I love the book of Ecclesiastes for when I'm down, as crazy as it sounds to turn to a depressing book when you're depressed. Life under the sun is lacking. Enjoy the good things but know they fall short of what is meant to be, what will be. Live for Him. Love Him. Love others. And don't beat yourself up when you don't present as well as you'd like. Pray that He'll be seen instead. In these broken lives, all kinds of ugliness hangs out, but God isn't done with us. Praise Him!!