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Love: You'll Know When It's Real?

Life Under the Sun: Love: You'll Know When It's Real?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Love: You'll Know When It's Real?

I think most people, even nonChristians,do to some degree know what real love is and when we read about it or see it depicted, it resonates w/ us. Here's a very accessible example: In Beauty and the Beast, when the beast lets Belle go to her father, he shows real love. Letting her leave is not in his self-interest but in hers.
I Cor. 13 indicates principles and qualities of real love, which has little in common w/ mere lust or infatuation, butterflies in your tummy and being weak in the knees. Love is patient, kind, humble, protecting and trusting, for the sake of the other person, not for one's own sake. In a nut shell, real biblical marital love is other-oriented, not self-oriented, and it's not even other-oriented for the sake of self. It's truly caring more about the other person's well-being than your own.
Eph. 5: 25-28 says that this other orientation of biblical love purifies the other person, helps your spouse be closer to God. It doesn't pull you away from God, but causes you to be closer to Him.
So what about the butterflies? Where does sex come in? Many people think the Bible is down on sex, but it isn't at all. A big part of biblical marital love is a commitment, a persevering, forgiving love (I Cor. 13). Not love that gets up and takes off when everything isn't hunky dory. Thus the beauty of sex within marriage alone, between a husband and wife who have a lifelong commitment to each other. And you know what? The world recognizes this truth as well. The original happily ever after isn't man and man or happy tonight w/ you, tomorrow w/ someone else, it's man and wife ever after. The re-working of this scenario seems to me to be because this love is humanly so hard to obtain and keep.
So next, we'll talk about how to get this kind of love. Here's a hint, you can't, in and of yourself.


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