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Can't Hurry Love

Life Under the Sun: Can't Hurry Love

Monday, January 24, 2011

Can't Hurry Love

This post is on how to get biblical marital love. First of all, neither dating nor courtship is intrinsically biblically right or wrong. Marriages were largely arranged in Scripture, but no where are we told that's how they must be. Even emphasis on the man's doing all the initiating seems to have some competition w/ the book of Ruth and Song of Songs, though I know Ruth's an unusual story and S of S is w/i marriage.
There's a lot in Scripture about waiting on God. Song of Solomon repeately says to not arouse or awaken love until it so desires. I Cor 13 gives the first attribute of love as patience. Prov 4:23 says to guard your heart. So first of all, it seems clear that you must Wait for It, trusting God to bring it to you in His time and way. Make as tangible a commitment to purity as you can, preferably in the presence of another person, possibly w/ a purity ring, a visible sign of commitment, much like a wedding ring. Proverbs also says much about delighting in the spouse God gives you. Prov 18:22 says finding a wife is finding something good. So Pray for It. It's a good thing. Desire God's best. Next, Practice It, that other-oriented love. The vast majority of Scripture is about our walk w/ God. Worry about belonging to Him and getting to know Him better and helping others do the same.
Finally, Recognize It, when it comes. Don't shun all in hopes of finding the elusive perfect, but strive to see past the surface to the heart, following your Maker's example. But also be discerning. Scripture makes it clear believers are to marry believers. Only a Christian is capable of other-oriented love and only though God's work in us. If you've made a commitment to purity, then don't let yourself question this commitment. Sex is for marriage. It's not sexual attraction you're recognizing, though undoubtedly you'll feel a draw toward this person. First and foremost you will be struck by a humble life that bears evidence of the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, that lifts you up, and puts you before himself or herself, and for whom you do the same. Then, Commit to It, which slides into tommorow's topic, how to keep it.


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