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Love that Lasts

Life Under the Sun: Love that Lasts

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Love that Lasts

How to keep biblical marital love: Commit to it.
When you marry, it's for life, for better and worse, and expect both. Malachi tells us God hates divorce. The book of Hosea is an example of love that w/stands the worst betrayal imaginable. Scripture indicates an allowance for divorce in the case of adultery, or more explicitly, that when divorce occurs after adultery, the divorce isn't causing adultery. But Hosea rises above even that allowance. The wedding ring on your finger is a tangible symbol of a commitment that should never be easily broken.
But that commitment isn't a one-time deal. If your love is going to last, you must actively, daily practice it.
Every day is an opportunity to let God be seen in you as you enjoy and serve your spouse. Thank God for the gift of this person. Build up, in every way you possibly can. I Cor 13: Love is patient, kind, isn't self-seeking, forgives, perseveres, hopes. Give again and again of yourself and your time and your encouragement; help your spouse to know God better, grow in his or her relationship w/ God. Don't deny one another physical love. Enjoy it. Initiate it. Be other-oriented in it. Read Song of Solomon together.
Eph 5 and other passages tell us about the roles of husband and wife. A wife must trust her husband and not try to control him. She's to listen to him, follow him; he's to love her, support her, guide her, tenderly care for her, sacrifice for her. We can never love and give too much when we're truly loving and giving, not expecting anything in return, serving because of God's work in us and because of our commitment.
Yes, I know it's not easy. It's impossible, actually, without God's work in us. When we feel unappreciated or disallusioned w/ negatives, it's especially difficult. It's not in your spouse's best interest to pretend she's without fault nor to focus on his flaws but I have found that when we strive to give and show appreciation, those flaws become less and less noticeable, whether because we cease to think about them or because they cease to be. Pray for your spouse and strive to lovingly aid in his spiritual growth. Don't neglect your own walk.
I've been blessed to have a legacy of good, strong, long marriages behind me w/ my great grandparents, grandparents, parents, couples who really were/are(all have passed away except my parents) very close together all their lives together. As both husband and wife are close to God, they're in the same place and thus close to each other. They serve one another. I'm grateful, though my marriage is not yet ten years old, that my husband daily displays a biblical, active love toward me, and I, every day I chose to do the same, find the richness of God's work being seen in my life. May you also know this joy. Would that Christians be marked by good, strong, long marriages. I know that some situations raise further concerns and I'll try to deal w/ some of these in the next post. Again, I'm no expert, but I have access to the Expert through His Word and His work--and so do all who come to Him. He gives Hope.


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