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Life Under the Sun

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I really struggle with worrying. I worry about what will happen next to me, to my husband, to our kids. I'm concerned the kids will mess up their lives or that we will be floundering around trying to find a  job situation (again) or that I'm wasting my life, not really doing anything worthwhile, missing out on something, I guess. There are so many ideas of what we should be doing---
One thing Scripture does clearly say, in connection with the issue of worrying, no less, is that we're not to be anxious but to give thanks in everything. Making a point of recognizing God's gifts is what we're to exchange worry for. I appreciated this emphasis in Ann Voskamp's book 1000 Gifts.
I don't think this gratitude means that we fail to acknowledge that life is difficult, that it is meaningless without God, that that hole, that lack of satisfaction drives us to long for Him and for heaven. But God has been so good to us and we do have so much to be grateful for. Those who belong to Him have found joy in the worst of circumstances and we, who for the most part, have relatively easy, even mundane lives by contrast, can see Him at work as well. He gives to us so many evidences of Himself. As Herbert indicates in his poem "The Pulley," either the gifts or the lack of perfection (the restlessness) should drive us to His feet.