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Reason for Rain

Life Under the Sun: Reason for Rain

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Reason for Rain

Whenever I'm discouraged because I wrinkle and fade, silver streaks my hair, my waistline widens
Whenever I'm discontent w/ unruly kids who seem perpetually dirty, disorganized, and eager to remain so
Whenever I'm unhappy w/ unfinished walls, fishbowl backyards, cars whizzing by
Whenever I'm looking down instead of up
Whenever I wonder why we flounder and fall and what we're doing here anyway
Thankfulness for many blessings helps
but hopeful gratefulness of coming contentment
for the day when time stops and begins, when we find fullness, perfect rest, peace, unsurpassed joy and beauty in Him, with Him, in the place we were meant to be for eternity
This promise heals
the now more than the mess I see and part of an unfinished masterpiece by and for the Master
the One w/o whom it's all
nothing but empty dripping sky.